Friday, August 3, 2012

And the Verdict Is....

It was quiet and peaceful around me, but my mind was noisy trying to figure out how I got myself in this mess.  I sat still starring at the television, occasionally paying attention to it and laughing at a funny segment then slipping back into a quiet, contemplation of my situation.

I thought about the things I heard, the things I saw and the issues from the past and I argued with myself.  What do I do now?  Is there an easy outcome?  Who will hurt the most?  and finally, What about me?

And when I summed it up and argued each question...

What do I do now?  be honest with myself that change is not going to come, and I must deal with that and stop being a punk

Is there an easy outcome?  No, but a decision has to be made no matter how hard it is

Who will hurt the most?  everyone will hurt equally, but they will hurt more if things continue as they are

What about me?  I tried it, it didn't work, and I finally realized that

the Verdict is....

Let him go!

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