Friday, July 13, 2012

Lately, I've been feeling like the world is on my shoulders.  I’ve been stressed because I have so much to do and I can't seem to get under it all.  Money is the key for everything I have to accomplish in the next few days, and I feel overwhelmed. 

But, I’m learning to handle what is in my control and wait for things to work out that are not in my ability to fix right now.  This allows me to let go and live.  Some things are not that serious and if I just wait it out, everything will work out fine.

So, how do I feel today? 

I feel loved, cared for by my family and friends that have become family.  I feel alive and invigorated and I especially feel excited of the new things that are happening in my life.

Trials come and go, but having life and being grateful for it is priceless.

So, do I feel a little sad when I don’t have the money I want to take care of things, yes, but am I going to keep worrying about, hell no. 

I’ve been around a long time and I’ve always seen things work out.  For that I’m grateful.

So, how do I feel today?

I feel grateful for another day, the universe, my health, strength, family, friends, love, falling in love, being mobile, having vision, beautiful smells, delicious food, all living creatures, love making, kissing, and being ALIVE.

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