Friday, July 27, 2012

Um, Um, Um - Yummy

I  tried to fight it, but my arms were too weak, my mind to slow, my body just wouldn't respond.  So, I gave  up and let it be and when I did, it was sooooo good. 

We're opposite, but I'm attracted to him on so many levels.  Where do I find forgiveness when he hurt so badly?  My emotions were crushed and my heart scarred.  Then I sat alone in the living room listening to the rain and I remembered those days when we loved each other, held each other, kissed until we were drunk and I couldn't get that off my mind.  So, against all judgement, I sent a text. 

One simple sentence. 

Things changed at the moment.

He was there again - on me, in me, around me - everywhere.  I hated myself, but that was torture in itself.  What is this chemistry I have with him?

It is beyond description and defies all reason.  I don't want to feel this way about him, but I can't help myself.  I actually like him, so I want to be with him.

Am I crazy?  No.  Am I delusional?  Maybe.  Do I love him?  Not the same.  Do I still want him?  Hell yes. 

I know the questions you're asking, but I don't have an answer except being with him is so....

Um, um, um, yummy.